Thursday, April 14, 2016

The normal

Think about a moment when you couldn't believe something was normal.

What does it mean when normality coincides with incredulity? (What does that say about where your normal is?)

If your everyday (you can identify it because leaving it causes you to think go away from and returning to it causes you to think come back to -- think of it also as your onstage space) is absurd to you, then you face a crisis of response. Do you respond as if it's normal (calm) or absurd (screaming)? The first feels like a betrayal of your own gut and senses but the second is really alarming to others.

When you couldn't believe something was normal. (Does the normal require belief? Like ... faith?)

The older I get, the more I need faith just to keep going.

Faith for me means: even when all your senses say otherwise, thinking, "but this is probably normal." It is not taking your own experience or your own feelings at their word.

That thing where you can't just accept your normal for what it is. "Just, like, be cool, dude." What is the voice telling you to be cool? Is it a conspiratorial voice (in on the secret, don't let the others realize we are fooling them, shhh!) or is it a policing voice, which means you really are alone, unrecognized?

You would rather sabotage and lay waste to your normal than be cool.

Maybe the discrepancy between normal and incredible is between yourself and the situation: the situation is normal but I am incredible in it. (Of course I mean not to be believed.)

If love engenders desire and repulsion, then so too does the normal.

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